Moose Apple
Christmas Tree Farm
What is Pre-Tagging?
Pre-Tagging is visiting Moose Apple when the weather is usually gorgeous in the Northern Shenandoah Valley and pre-selecting your tree for Christmas. Moose Apple is open weekends throughout October and until mid November for pre-tagging.
When you arrive at the farm you visit the store and get a pre-tagging package. The package will contain a map, directions, 2 SOLD tags, and 4 red ribbons. You then proceed to enjoy the weather and select your tree. You tie the 2 SOLD tags and the 4 red sold ribbons securely on the tree in obvious locations. You mark on the map the exact location of the tree so that you can find it when you return to cut. You return the marked map to the shop before you leave. When you return the map you will select the date you want to return and cut the tree. We are also requiring a $20 deposit plus tax this year.
When you return to cut your tree we will have the maps alphabetized by your last name in 3 ring binders at the barn. You take your map, get a sled/saw, and go cut your tree.
We had over 750 trees pre-tagged last year. Just a warning, there were 4 or 5 dishonest people that removed the tags and cut the tree anyway. BAH HUMBUG to them. The change to pre-tag only should reduce or eliminate this problem.
You will pay a $20 deposit.
The pre-tagging season is a great time to casually check out the shop and spend the day in nature and picnicking.